Sunday, September 4, 2011

Paris Countdown - T- 6 days!

After much anticipation, we are in the final week! Excited is such a bland word... the fires of my anticipation are BLAZING! I'm excited to see the Eiffel Tower and walk along the Seine, take in all the gorgeous architecture and (maybe) hot French people (guys and girls, I won't discriminate!). However, I'm most excited for the food... but the fact that I don't know any French makes it a little difficult. I'd rather know if I'm ordering calf brain or a steak. So... time to bone up on French foodie vocabulary!

Bone up just sounds so wrong.

another big fan of french cooking, remy from ratatouille! love this movie.

Some good links! - this teaches you how to read a French menu and recognize some common French dishes (and some not so common ones). I already know I'll be asking for le menu, sil vous plait! And une carafe d'eau. - I like this because it really familiarizes you with all the types of fruit, meat, nuts whatever you might see on a menu. Also, the links have sound! So you know you're saying it sorta, almost, totally not like a native. - this is a blog written by a pastry chef from the US, who now lives in Paris. Who better than a chef to know about food in Paris?! I'm pretty sure a lot of the restaurants mentioned may be out of our price range but I loved reading about them and also spent a lot of time clicking around the links at the bottom, which are on a variety of useful topics in regards to Paris, food and otherwise. Dining Tips in Paris was a very practical guide of how to deal with dining in Paris, which I have to admit does have me a bit intimidated.

In addition to normal food, I'm really anticipating the French patisseries! Hopefully I'll come back with a favorite one. French pastries and chocolates, can't really go wrong there!

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